The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) recently shared that the cost of reported cybercrime in the U.S. was more than $12.5 billion in 2023. Cyber-attacks are increasing due to improved technologies, increased connectivity, remote work and learning, reliance on mobile devices, and more. As a result, the necessity for enhanced cybersecurity measures to safeguard our networks and critical infrastructure has also increased, however, the implementation of these technologies can impose a substantial financial burden. The Federal government is encouraging local leaders to utilize federal and state grant funds to prevent and respond to these types of attacks.

Join Grants Office, and special guests from Check Point, to learn how state and local governments, k-12 schools, and institutes of higher education can secure grant funding to help:

·    Secure your network
·    Protect the cloud
·    Guard your workforce, devices, & access

Our Grants Office and Check Point experts will review the grants landscape, highlight specific funding opportunities, and provide tips for creating a competitive application for your organization.

Don’t wait until there is an attack. Now is the time to protect your organization from hackers, phishing, and ransomware. If you want to learn more about funding cybersecurity through grants and how Check Point cybersecurity solutions will help your organization stay secure, register today!

Shaun Lawton

Central Account Manager
Check Point

Katherine Fernandez

Strategic Program Manager
Check Point

Michael Paddock

Grants Office

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